Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Shawshank Redemption

I have a stright forward goal and that's to show you there is good movies out there and The Shawshank redemption was by far one of the better movies i have ever seen. The story came from the auther Steven king. Originaly once a book brought to life by directer Frank Darabont. The story was about a  very successful man named Andy Dufresne that had his beloved wife leave him for another man deciding to shot his wife and her lover be instead sobered up and realized that was the right way to go about it. However a disgruntaled waiter killed them that same night and the athories blamed it on Andy. Andy was sentenced to life in prison. This is were the real story of hardship, friends and an act of freedom happens. I very much enjoyed this movie becasue it had such realisitc veiws of what it would really be like in prison at that time. What kinds of freinds you make, what kinds of enemies you would have and what the toll of prison does to a man. In the end Andy gets what he deserves and breaks out of prison to freedom in mexico and on top of that makes a life long friend that finds him after being paroled from prison.This movie really inspired my ambition to be more succsseful becuase it goes to show you only have one life to live and so how will you live it? This movie also shows the faults in our court system and how we could falsely accuse and inicent man and throw his life away beacuse they had the wrong man. This movie also shows that in spite of everything going wrong sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel and good things can happen.

1 comment:

  1. Real life is loike that movie. I don't have a doubt that things like that happen is real life. I'm sure inocent people are in prision for no reason. I love movies with suspense and just like that movie that make you feel it is real. I guess movies can be an inspiration. As long as the movie is worth it and send a good message. Because it is a lot of crazy people out there, who want to do horrible things in real life because they watched movies that send the wrong message.
