Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It by Steven King

 It by Steven king was a phenomenal read brought to life by Tommy Lee Wallace. A fairly long movie running over 3 hours long in an attempt to cover as much as possible from the best seller book. Although  the story is a horrifying tale you can see the message i believe Steven king was trying to convey in the back round. That message is courage and without it non of these characters in the movie would have defeated the monster in the first place.

The movie starts out with a flash back of the main character when he lost his little brother to the monster it. This is significant because this is the fuel to his and the groups fire to defeat this thing. This film is great not only because it is captivating but it has so many great messages because it also speaks on social outcasts and kids who are bullied and called losers. Theres about seven characters in this social outcast group as kids and then as adults. It really shows that is dosent matter who you are but if you have greinds and courage you can do great things. The movie has periodic flash backs on all the adult characters showing what happened when they were kids and how they were potryed as outcasts and losers.

As each of them face their greatest fears as they they vow to avenge the deaths of Georgie the main characters brother that was killed and every other child killed by "It." They travel into the sewers followed by Henry, who is intent on murdering them for humiliating him. But instead, he witnesses the death of his best friend Belch in a manner that turns his hair completely white. Pennywise is the clowns name portayed as it and he attempts to attack the children by separating them, but Eddie one of the characters with asma manages to wound him and Beverly the only girl in the group of outcasts drives him back by striking him with a silver slug made from one of Ben's silver dollars. Their job done, the seven vow to return some day if ever It returns. Henry unfortunalty is arrested and sentenced to life in an asylum for confessing to the counts of murder of all the children.

in the second half of the movie its more focused on the adult characters and how they come back togther again and finish the job they started as kids by going back to the sewer and killing it also called Pennywise. What i really enjoyed about this movie besides the story line is the great actors it had in it. Tim Curry, John Ritter, and even seth green. fantastic acters they really made this movie shine. If you havent seen this movie i would highly suggest you go buy it and watch it. Its one of the classiscs.

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