Tuesday, November 6, 2012

scott pilgrim vs the world

Scott pilgrim vs the world is one of my ultimate favorite movies. and it was directed by the one and only Edgar Wright.(also directed Sean of the dead). It starts off about a nerdy kid named scout pilgrim from Toronto Canada.

Scott Pilgrim played by one of my favorite actors Michael Cera is an unemployed 23-year-old bass guitarist in an up-and-coming garage rock band who is dating a  17 year old high school girl, Knives Chau. Because he had recently broken up so hes doing irrational things. He is very happy until one day Ramona Flowers is introduced on roller-blades into his life. He then could only think of Romona and completely forgot he was dating knives. Ramona moved to Toronto from NY to find peace and quiet and leave her past behind. No one knows what her past is, but Scott so dispiritedly wants her as his new new girlfriend. Before Scott can begin dating Ramona, he must prove himself by defeating the league of her seven exes who controls her love life. They will do anything to get rid of and destroy any new boyfriend Ramona may come across. Scout finds this out when he and his band get a break and get a gig to play. during there turn scout was ambushed by Romonas first evil ex and learns what he must do to win her heart.

This movie has great actors and it even had its own music composed just for this movie. Its fun, exhilarating, comical, and action packed. There's love, fighting, and music who doesn't like that? Its defiantly nothing like you've ever seen before in the movie that's for sure. It also incorperated video games into the plot. Its like a what if video game concepts were real kinda thing, for example when he defetes an evil ex he turns into coins like in an aracde.

I thought this film didnt have any significant messages to it but it was just a movie about what scout would do to be with his new found love. I thought this movie was filled with comdey bacuse Ive never laughed so much in a movie theater before. There is however one draw back to this movie and i think its gereration baced for the concept. like any other folks wont get the hummor or jokes becasue they didnt grow up with the same tecnology my generation did. Overall I wasent bored at any part of the movie and i simply could not wait for this movie to come out on blue ray after i first saw it. So if you love action, love, music, and fights, and video games this is the movie for you.

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